Children in Bosom of Loving Care

One day in May 1948, President Kim Il Sung came to the then Kangso Senior Middle School.

Teachers drew up the barefooted pupils in the invisible last line when the President came out from the school to see pupils on the playground. 

Looking at them barefooted, the President felt his heart so bled. Saying that they drew up the barefooted pupils in the back line to avoid his eyes, he asked them if the pupils would like to stand in the back line only and then scolded them, saying that perhaps they wouldn’t like to stand behind only.

And then, saying that they should not get pupils come to school barefooted and in old dresses even after the country had been liberated and the pupils were all sons and daughters of workers and peasants who had suffered exploitation and all sorts of hardships under the rule of Japanese imperialism, the President taught that it was just for bringing happiness to them that we had fought against Japanese imperialists in the past. 

And he instructed that as we had taken seizure of power, we shouldn’t spare anything and take every possible measure, too, for their bright future. 

That moment, pupils ran toward the President to throw themselves in his arms shouting “General!” at the top of their voices.