The Great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Will Always Live in the Hearts of Humankind

It happened when the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un inspected the Mangyongdae Children’s Camp newly reconstructed.
 He inspected several places of animal shed in the Camp and arrived at the Block No.
1 of camping pavilions.
The working people in every walk of life tend to increase their assistance to all the farm villages this year, too.
 Helping farm villages is not aimed only at assisting them in terms of manpower and material aid.
It serves as a significant occasion to disseminate the revolutionary spirit, progressiveness and modernity to farm villages.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung memorial functions such as seminars on exploits, lecture meetings and round-table talks were held from June 29 to July 4 in Germany, Denmark, Slovakia, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Cambodia and Algeria.
Speeches were made in the memorial functions attended by political and public figures and the people of the relevant countries.
 Meanwhile, the Friendship Association with DPRK's People and Soviet Communist Party held a memorial meeting and lecture meeting on June 22 and July 3 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the demise of the President.
Members of Board of Directors of KKF and KKF Members Sent Floral Baskets to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il *On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the demise of President Kim Il Sung, floral baskets were sent to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill by members of the Board of Directors of the KKF and KKF members.
On July 7, floral baskets were laid before the statues of the President and the Chairman on Mansu Hill in the names of honorary vice-chairman Sai Tiejun, directors Jin Xian, Thomas Karl Richter and his wife, honorary directors Qiu Shuibo, Cui Tongwen, Qiu Jianliang and KKF members Lin Gennan, Tang Yeming, Cui Yan, Cui Tongjun, Wang Shuli, Zhao Bin and Jia Desheng.
Chairman of German Association in Support of KKF Sent a Congratulatory Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong UnPyongyangYour Excellency Kim Jong UnGeneral Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Your Excellency,On the occasion of the significant holiday, the 112th birth anniversary of His Excellency the respected President Kim Il Sung, I would like to send my heartfelt greeting to you.
President Kim Il Sung devoted his lifetime to the prosperity of the DPRK and happiness of the DPRK’s people.
Co-chairman of Board of Directors of KKF Sent a Congratulatory Message to Respected Comrade Kim Jong UnPyongyang Your Excellency Marshal Kim Jong UnGeneral Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea President of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Your Excellency Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un,On the occasion of the auspicious day, the 112th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the eternal leader of the DPRK’s people, I would like to present my warmest respect to Your Excellency.
 The great President Kim Il Sung is the greatest leader who devoted all his lifetime to the freedom and happiness of the DPRK’s people and progressive peoples around the world.
KKF Certificate of Donation Awarded to Manager of Tianjin Gugang Trading CompanyChairman of the Board of Directors of KKF awarded the certificate of donation to An Phyong Nam, a manager of Tianjin Gugang Trading Company on April 17.
Hamburg Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Germany Donated to KKFHamburg Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Germany visited the DPRK on the occasion of the 112th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and donated to KKF under the name of the group.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of KKF awarded the certificate of donation to Christine Gisella Melcher, a member of the group on April 17.
Dresden Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Germany Donated to KKFDresden Group for the Study of the Juche Idea in Germany visited the DPRK on the 112th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung and donated to KKF under the name of the group.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of KKF awarded the certificate of donation to Markus Bohmer, head of the group on April 17.