Why He Hurried 

One day the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to the Farm No. 1116 in his busy hours to guide the work of rehabilitating the flood-affected northern area of North Hamgyong Province.

Saying that he was so delighted to come after he had been reported about new maize and dry field rice varieties reared in the farm, he grasped the actual conditions of the farm and gave a name to the new maize variety.

Officials wanted him to take some rest as the time fairly advanced. He said to them that it was his desire to make people eat enough and make them well off and quickened his paces, saying “Let’s go quickly” and “We must go and see it though it’s far away”. That day he inspected also a plot to breed the new dry field rice variety. 

Officials were filled with ardent resolve to fulfill their mission as true servants to the people while seeing that he continued his walking day and night in order to make earlier their happy future even in his busy hours to guide the work of rehabilitating the flood-affected northern area of the country.