Important Matter He Laid Emphasis upon

One day in June 2013, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un inspected the Changsong Foodstuff Factory and inquired in detail into the production based on local raw materials. 

Changsong County has already set up a system by which to procure wild vegetables and fruits harvested by all the county people under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

When he was told of it from chief manager, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un smiled broadly and said that they should do it so and that chief official of the County Party should pull up his trousers and take the lead in harvesting season.

On his way to this factory he also underscored that modernizing the facilities of regional industrial factories was important, but securing raw materials was also as important as modernization and that it was essential for regional industrial factories to solve the problem of raw materials perfectly on the basis of local raw materials.

That day, officials felt once again how important it was to rely on local raw materials in developing regional industry.