On November 16, 2023 Russian newspaper Russiskaya Gazetta carried an article under the heading Day of the Mother Celebrated in the DPRK.
It reads as follows:
“The DPRK is celebrating November 16 as the Day of the Mother. This holiday was enacted in 2012 in order to pay high respect to all the mothers in the DPRK.
“It was no accident that this day was set as a holiday. Just on November 16, 1961 President
“On this occasion the entire country enters into festive atmosphere. Everywhere you go, you will see the happy people congratulate the holiday by presenting bunches of flowers and souvenirs to mothers. Meanwhile, art performances are opened to all the women in all cities, towns and villages.
“Day of the Mother is also commemorated in many other countries of the world, but the DPRK is one of not many states that enacted this day as a holiday in the state level.”