Pride of Nation Carved by Writings
“Oh, we announce the birth of the Paektu Shining Star”
“Hello compatriots, you see and hear the Shining Star who will take over the will of General Kim rose from Mt. Paektu.”
“Paektu Shining Star, an heir to General
“Oh, Korea, oh, Nation, you highly pride the Shining Star rose on our country in the bright morning sun is greeting you with joy”
“Advent of the Paektu Shining Star is a great stroke of luck to 20 million white-clad Korean folks”
These writings are the slogans written on barked trees, which were found in all areas of the country from Mt. Paektu region to Musan, Onsong, Yonsa, Sonbong, Sinhung, Yangdok, Pyongyang, Sinphyong, Mt. Myohyang and Mt. Kuwol.
Anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters and patriots engraved their emotions on barked trees in writings in high praise of Chairman
These emotional writings were the delight and pride not only to those who met the bright future of Korea but also to all the Korean folks and an echo of history that made sure the brilliant future of the country.