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First Statue of the Head of a Foreign State Erected in China

“… In his meeting with Zhou Enlai, my father got surprised to hear that the statue of President Kim Il Sung had been erected at Yuwen Middle School in Jilin of the northeastern part of China. It was the first statue of the head of a foreign state erected in China. According to my knowledge, the then Chinese internal regulations did not tolerate a statue of any person to be built or calling a city or a street by the name of an individual person. Anyway, it was really surprising that the statue of the President was erected in the land of China. At that time, some Chinese supported the statue of Karl Marx to be built first and others approved to set up the statue of Lenin in China, supposing they would erect a statue of a foreigner in China. However, chairman Mao negated all opinions and concluded they should erect the statue of President Kim Il Sung first. Then, the Chinese party and government officials and the entire Chinese people fully supported his decision. It was a token of affection, respect and moral obligation of Chinese party and government and people for President Kim Il Sung who had fought against Japanese and Americans, the common enemies and created a model of great proletarian internationalism in support of Chinese revolution in the days of Chinese civil revolutionary war. … ”

It was extracted from the book “President Soekarno and President Kim Il Sung” written in 2012 by Rahmawati Soekarno Putri, chairman of the Founding Committee of the Soekarno Foundation for Education of Indonesia.