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President Kim Il Sung Is Immortal as the Sun of People (4)

Book “Among the People”

If there is any word that comprises the great lifetime of President Kim Il Sung, it will be the word “Among the People”.

Book “Among the People” is a collection of memoirs written by the people about the President, the leader of the Korean people, who went to the people throughout his lifetime to share his view and feeling with them and led the revolution relying on them and his noble idea of loving his people and popular leadership traits.  

People know best about their leader like children about their parents. The Korean people strived to be the first for writing their memoirs with all their hearts as they know quite well what kind of man the great leader was. 

There are so many books in the world written by literary men and women in retrospection of excellent master-hands and politicians. However, there is not any popular book which the common people wrote candidly about the lifetime of the great leader on the basis of historical facts and with their true feelings.