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People Pay Highest Respect on Occasion of Meaningful Victory Day

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victorious Fatherland Liberation War the Korean people and service personnel of the People’s Army paid highest tribute to President Kim Il Sung who achieved immortal exploits for victory in the war.

Working people, service personnel and youth and students visited the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the supreme sanctuary of Juche where President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il are preserved in their lifetime appearance, their statues, portraits of their beaming images and mosaic murals in all parts of the country and expressed their boundless longing for the President and the Chairman. 

They made bows in humble reverence to the President and the Chairman who brought about the brilliant victory in the war by defeating the strong imperialist forces, demonstrated to the world the dignity and honor of the Republic by leading the anti-imperialist and anti-US confrontation to victory and made undying feats to accomplishing the human cause of independence.