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Events Took Place in Several Countries on Occasion of 70th Anniversary of Victorious Fatherland Liberation War

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victorious Fatherland Liberation War “International Solidarity Conference in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victorious Korean War” was held in Russia and celebration meetings and seminars in several countries such as Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Uganda and Bangladesh.

Personalities from political parties, organizations and public organs and the masses in the relevant countries attended celebration meetings and seminars in which speeches were made. 

They stressed that on the occasion of the Victory Day, the world’s revolutionary peoples were paying highest respect to Comrade Kim Il Sung who had won victory in confrontation with the United States and that the Korean people could defeat the armed invasion of the US imperialists mainly because they had the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, the outstanding military strategist and iron-willed brilliant commander as the leader.

Mentioning that the DPRK was turned into an invincible country under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il and His Excellency Kim Jong Un, they affirmed that the exploits made by the President for victory in the war would shine forever thanks to the outstanding and seasoned leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un