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Gifts Made with Boundless Sincerity of All People 54

Wooden Craftwork “Sun”

Chairman of Parliament Group of Italy-DPRK Friendship and his party presented the gift as a token of their longing for the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in May Juche 107 (2018). 

Conveying this gift that portrayed artistically the traction power of the sun and the motion of the planets going around it, the chairman said that His Excellency Marshal Kim Jong Un was making a huge contribution to safeguarding global justice and peace and that his party took it as a great honor to present the craftwork as a gift to His Excellency Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Ceramic Vase

In January Juche 106 (2017), president of Russian Zentr Stroi Region+Co. Ltd. presented this ceramic vase to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un that was made to special order by a Spanish company famous for making ceramic vases.

Handing over the gift, he spoke: “I am so admiring the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un for safeguarding the peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the world standing against the United States boasting ‘Me! Me! Me!’ as if he had the whole world in his mind. I sincerely wish him good health cherishing the mind of progressive peoples around the world hoping that he will firmly defend socialism in the DPRK and sweep away all causes of evil acts from the face of the earth. I also hope that the Korean people will always remain ever-victorious and ever-glorious.”