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Cheers of People for Their Benevolent Liberator (2)

On October 14, Juche 34 (1945) the mass rally to welcome the triumphal return of President Kim Il Sung was held at Moranbong public playground in Pyongyang.

At that time Pyongyang Minbo headlined “Cheers of 400 Thousand People Shakes the Whole Country” and wrote about the enthusiastic rally:

“Pyongyang has 4, 000 years since the beginning of history and no less than 400 thousand people. But, has it ever happened to get such great number of people gathered in the previous years? Has it once had such meaningful assembly like this rally? ...

In particular, what made this rally historically significant and produced a great impression on the audience is that General Kim Il Sung, the great patriot of Korea and hero of Pyongyang origin, attended here and sent his warm regards and words of encouragement to the masses…. As General Kim Il Sung, the hero all compatriots respected the most and waited eagerly revealed his manly figure, the ground created choking sensation by enthusiastic cheers and most of them were extremely excited to shed tears silently.”

 79 years have passed since then, but the enthusiastic cheers have been left over to descendants as a scene of the history.