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Floral Baskets Sent to Statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il from Foreign Organization and Personages (1)

On the occasion of the 83rd birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il, floral baskets were sent to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill from German Association in Support of the KKF, honorary director Qiu Shuibo, KKF members Svetlana Odintzova, Lin Gennan, Guo Deli, Jia Desheng, Tang Yeming, Cui Yan and Chen Mushun, president of Fujian Yingqi Export & Import Trading Corporation in China and Fan Shitao, general manager of Hehai Motor Selling Company Ltd. of Lian Yun Port City in China on February 14.

Written on the ribbons of the baskets were the letters reading “The Great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Will Always Be with Us.”